Excellent location near FSU on West Brevard St. Seller is selling the entire block as one sale. All parcels are zoned CU-18. Buyer is responsible for verifying the square footage. 2126530020070 - Vacant lot Designation: Food truck tenant Rental amount: $2,500 a month 2126530020060, 2126530020060, 2126530020040 Commercial Building is located on the previous parcels. 820,818,816 W. Brevard St. 0.14, 0.14, 0.14 Building square footage - 2,128 A. Designation - Storage (Owner occupied) Rental Amount: $0 B. Designation - Food give away (Owner occupied) Rental Amount: $0 C. Designation - Storage (Owner occupied) Rental Amount: $0 2126530020030- 808 W. Brevard building Building square footage - 998 Designation: (1) Tenant occupied Rental Amount: $1,000 2126530020030 - 804 W. Brevard St. Duplex Building square footage - 912 Designation: (2) Tenants occupied Rental Amount: $1,400 2126530020011 - 800 W. Brevard St building Duplex Building square footage - 2,188 Designation: Vacant Rental Amount: $0 2126530020010 - 706 Dean St vacant - 0.07 acres Designation: Vacant lot Rental Amount: $0